Coming from humble beginnings Shokeng Emily Dlamini was born and bred in Mamelodi, a township in the East of Tshwane. She is the fourth child of 5 children and after the passing of her father when she was at a tender age of 16, her hopes were shattered and her mom, a cleaner at the union building could not afford to take her and her siblings to university.
Studying part time after her matric, she managed to obtain a B A Degree and higher Diploma in Human Resource Management.
She served the Public Service for a period of 36 years and resigned after serving the Department of Justice and Constitutional Development for a period of 20 years of which 10 years was a Regional Head for the Gauteng Province. She was also head of Human Resources Management at the National Prosecuting Authority.
Some of her highlights were her contribution to the transformation projects that were implemented in both the National Prosecuting Authority and the Department of Justice and Constitutional Development, the ‘Re Aga Boswa Project” in Justice where she led the stream on Change. Management had its main objective was to relieve the Judiciary and Prosecution from performing any administrative function in order to allow them the space to perform the prosecutorial and judicial work respectively.
As the Deputy Chairperson to the Chief Magistrate Mr Nair, the Provincial Advisory Committee that she served for the period of 5 years, she was able to transform the Sheriff Profession by ensuring that blacks and specifically women are appointed to serve as Sheriff’s, a profession that was previously dominated by white males.
She was appointed as Sheriff Centurion East on the 1st September 2017 and she and her team are striving to serve their clients with the highest levels of professionalism and excellence. Shokeng’s secret of success is her dedication and commitment to her work.
Shokeng Emily Dlamini